Alexander F. Gazmararian


Alexander F. Gazmararian is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Politics at Princeton University. He studies political economy. His research agenda examines political responses to economic changes and the relationship between institutions and political behavior, with substantive applications to understanding political barriers that prevent action on climate change.

His research has appeared or is forthcoming in The Journal of Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Political Behavior, Energy Policy, and Energy Research & Social Science.

He published Uncertain Futures: How to Unlock the Climate Impasse (Cambridge University Press, The Politics of Climate Change Series) in 2023 with Dustin Tingley. He is finishing a book with Helen V. Milner on the political economy of climate change.

Alex holds the Prize Fellowship in the Social Sciences. The Dean of the Graduate School and university faculty voted for him to receive the Charlotte Elizabeth Procter Fellowship in recognition of outstanding academic performance and professional promise.

All publications, working papers, and replication materials are available here.

Curriculum Vitae, Google Scholar